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A member registered Jan 25, 2024

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (incoherent screaming)

i’ve only done one route so far but there’s so much i want to scream about. the finale was amazing and there were sO MANY FEELS i don’t know if i can articulate them entirely

firstly, a side note: i mega goofed up lmao. i was shipping genzy for the most part and wanted to do genzou’s ending first but somehow i managed to unlock everything except genzou’s ending??? (don’t worry, i’m just amused! not that it was a bad thing!) i thought about genzou when entering wonderland at the start of act 5 and went to talk to genzou in the bunny hideout before heading for orlam’s castle ;;w;; maybe it’s because i :(-ed at genzou too much at the beginning for being mean to orlam maybe aslkdjalkjkdl. but it’s okay! i did orlam’s route first and thoroughly enjoyed it!

genzou saying “oh sorry orlam i forgot you were on a strict humanitarian diet” was really funny to me alksjdldkjkla,

THE ORLAM ROUTE CABIN SCENE! even though orlam wasn’t who i was originally going to pick first (i do like orlam a lot too though!! i went for orlam’s route first in OC before i played OW and got sold on genzy) the dance with him!! his comments flustering iggy!! the kiss!! them falling asleep together!! i was smiling through the whole thing and it was warming my dumb cupiromantic heart and it was chefs kiss.

genzou’s </3 at seeing iggy with orlam but still telling iggs to stay safe during the fight adiljalkdja,,, genzou im so sorry i wanted to pick you!! the game didn’t let me!! D:

BUCKS’ PART,,,, aaaaaaaa!! somehow in the previous arcs i’ve always just saw her as a scary angry axe-wielding person but seeing her go “i’m a monster” was aaaaaaaaaa (sob) and i just wanted to hug her,,, i understand that iggy and the other members of the crew didn’t have malicious intents when calling her a monster when they were younger and didn’t know how it’d impact her but still ;;w;; smol!hunar’s interactions with bucks were really sweet though!!

saydie nooo D: also the tree yelling at gidget for making genitals with toilet paper aslkjdaldkja,,,, wheeze.

the tree telling iggy that his choices weren’t even his, leading to iggy’s choice about whether to reset the timeline later actually made by him (and not letting us choose) was woah :o i’m also proud of iggy, go iggy!! make your decisions!!

i want to hug the cast so much they’ve gone through so much and the epilogue where everyone gets a second chance and does things better makes me really proud of their progress, even if they’re just fictional characters! aaa

thank you for creating this game!!! i had a wonderful experience playing it and it gave me a lot of feels and ace joy (and it shall be haunting (in a good way) my thoughts for many days to come),,, massive kudos to you for completing such a massive project, i know it takes a lot of determination and perseverance to finish something like this (source: my short attention span and my bazillion unfinished projects), please get some good (and well deserved) rest!! sorry this was a very rambly post and i’m not very good with words ;w;

(1 edit)

hello! i literally just created an account to scream because HOLY COW aaaa this is so cool and i am hit with so many feels and feel the burning need to shower you with compliments.

i found your post on an ace subreddit advertising Our Cinderella and i am now down a rabbit hole of your content (help) alkdsjsaljkd. do i regret it? absolutely not!

first of all, AAAA. i did not expect to be bawling over a horror game but THAT SCENE IN ARC 2 where Genzou tells Iggy that he's not broken for not wanting to do certain things made me tear up sO MUCH. i'm probably overreacting but I. also. had similar fears and really needed to hear it so thank you <3

i'm not a writer so i'm not very good at complimenting writing and plot but it was very good and i was absolutely hooked to the plot all the way. and the FEELS. i waited to finish the game to date before posting so my feelings from Arc 5 are the strongest and AAA JERRY protecting iggy!! the cutscene where genzou hugs orlam and apologises and orlam trying to push him away and aaAAA. EVERYTHING. the bits of humor in it was also REALLY HECKIN GOOD and i was constantly switching between laughing, crying, and oh-noing all the way through it. i'm sorry i'm a bit of a mess at describing things alkjfslkdjaslkj but just imagine me having a giant ball of appreciation and yeeting it your way bECAUSE ITS WHAT YOU DESERVE

i love your art style!! it's so expressive!! the poses are so dynamic and they add so much to the experience! the iggy dolls' body language (and arm flailing) are hilarious and made me love them and then they got chomped and hurt my heart ;;w;; the angle choice of making scary characters tower over you and looking down on you makes them even scarier aaa. and DID I MENTION HOW GOOD THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE. from the subtle changes that happen as we go through dialogue (genzou hiding his affections for iggy in arc 4, screams) to the very expressive ones (orlam's maniacal laughter to shock to breaking down at genzou's hug in arc 5!!). everything is so well done AAA grabs you and shakes you. tell me your secrets.

sorry aaaa this is not very well put together and i'm pretty sure i didn't get to articulate how amazing this game is and how much i love it as well as i could so please help me dial up whatever feelings of appreciation you feel from this post by 1000x because that's probably more accurate to how i actually feel alASLKJKLJ.